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A Renewed Vision

SHIELD’s Vision 2020 Campaign is working to achieve the following goals by the year 2020:

  • To develop successful community partnerships with five (5) youth serving programs and organizations in order to provide larger groups of participating youth (mentees) with access to mentoring support.

  • To recruit one hundred (100) young people from many different personal backgrounds from a wide cross-section of ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds.

  • To train twenty-five (25) community role models to focus on positive reinforcement, trust-building, and the achievement of goals, by engaging youth in mentoring in the community.

  • To secure an annual budget of $36,000 and thus operate at a level that allows efficient delivery of mentoring services.

When you make a gift to SHIELD, you join the mission to see all Guilford County’s children reach their full potential! Your gift will provide Guilford County youth with committed mentors and life-changing leadership skills. Your tax deductible donation will have the following impact:

  • $25 will train a caring adult to be a successful mentor

  • $50 will supply a child with life-changing leadership materials

  • $100 will provide a young person with a year-long leadership development program

Donors make this year-long leadership building opportunity possible. When you choose to donate to the SHIELD Mentor Program, you will enable a deserving adolescent the opportunity to participate in our programs at no cost. You will provide an opportunity to support our youth as they develop the confidence, leadership and character they need to become tomorrow's leaders!Together, we will strengthen youth and families! An investment of any size makes a difference! Your tax-deductible contribution plays an important role in the continued success of SHIELD service to youth in the community. SHIELD is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit (EIN number: 76-0784186).

To be successful, SHIELD not only depends upon pledges from individuals, but also sponsorships from area businesses and organizations. Funds will be allocated towards costs associated with volunteer screening and training, workshops such as training and resource materials, meals for participants, honorariums for role model guest speakers as well as printing and distributing marketing and promotional materials to recruit Mentors and Mentees. Additional funds raised will go directly to the operation of the organization that supports the SHIELD mentoring and leadership curriculum.

You can donate online by visiting or mail your check made out to the SHIELD Mentor Program to: 3125 Kathleen Ave #218 Greensboro, NC 27408

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